Acoustophoretic printing
Daniele Foresti, Katharina T. Kroll, Robert Amissah, Francesco Sillani, Kimberly A. Homan, Dimos Poulikakos and Jennifer A. Lewis.
by Jovo Vidic
Rationally 3D-Textured Copper Surfaces for Laplace Pressure Imbalance-Induced Enhancement in Dropwise Condensation

Chander Shekhar Sharma , Christos Stamatopoulos, Reto Suter, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr and Dimos Poulikakos. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (34), pp 29127–29135. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b09067
by Jovo Vidic